Promo video van Arrow episode 13

RDJ134 31 januari 2013 om 17:48 uur

Kijk je al Arrow?? Nee?? dan zou ik dat maar heel erg snel gaan doen. Want deze show die losjes is gebaseerd op de DC comic Green Arrow (die ooit de side kick was van de Green Lantern) en is echt fookin awsome. Volgende week zal de alweer dertiende aflevering op de Amerikaanse TV te zien zijn en daar van is nu de onderstaande promo video verschenen.

Cyrus Vanch (Guest star David Anders), a nefarious criminal, is recently released from prison and intends to re-secure his position as leader of the underworld. His first step is to take down his biggest opponent in the city - Arrow. Meanwhile, Oliver shows Moira his father's notebook and questions her about the names on the list. Thea is miserable as she starts her internship with Laurel at the legal aid office and Detective Lance makes a deadly mistake that puts Laurel in the crosshairs of Vanch.
