LOL: Daryls Walker Survival Guide

RDJ134 6 februari 2013 om 18:25 uur

Aanstaande maandag begint The Walking Dead weer, en daar spelen veel websites handig op in met hun artikelen. Zo heeft de website dit erg grappige en sarcastische stukje over Daryl Walker (die baas is) geschreven. Dus als je de show volgt, zeker de moeite waard om even te checken.


Sure world order and civilization have collapsed, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't continue to care about mother earth! Unless the zombies are a product of her anger with us (walkers would have made The Happening waaaay better). Recycling helps Daryl get the most bang for his survival buck. And we don't mean this as just a matter of practicality, such as reusing his crossbow bolts. Letting nothing go to waste, Daryl fans should fashion of necklace out of walker ears, just like their hero does!
