Ubisoft gaat achter GTA aan met Watch Dogs

Gtamen 27 februari 2013 om 08:40 uur

En dan nu het grapje van de dag. Ubisoft denkt dat ze met Watch Dogs GTA zijn ass gaan kicken omdat ze na twee trailers denken dat door een paar dingentjes te hacken in de wereld dat je meteen een beter game hebt. Mooi niet dus, want de kracht van GTA is de levendige wereld en de kracht van de personages. Tot nu toen heb ik de hoofdrolspeler nog niks horen zeggen. Saints Row ging GTA zijn ass toch ook kicken? Waar is Saints Row nu? Juist.

"What we want with Watch Dogs is to try and crack a new genre, which is the open-style GTA genre," he said.

"Yes, Grand Theft Auto is one of the biggest brands in the industry and everybody respects the brand and we'll have fun playing the next one too, but I think Watch Dogs' positioning is also on next-gen, bringing a lot of features - connectivity, interactivity, companion gaming and so on which is bringing some freshness to the genre."

Corre said Grand Theft Auto 5′s arrival September release isn't a problem for Watch Dogs, which is also due at the end of the year.

"When you have a great product in our or any other industry, it also excites the appetite of a lot of consumers in that category. People interested in racing games will buy many racing games if the games are great," he said,

"So we think that we can even benefit from the fact that Grand Theft Auto is coming. The spirit will be that this kind of game is great fun and I think Watch Dogs can also bring a lot of the same fans."
