Cast en crew van TWD over seizoen 4

RDJ134 2 maart 2013 om 19:47 uur

The Walking Dead TV serie is een grote hit en zal dus gewoon een nieuw seizoen krijgen, wat natuurlijk leuk is als je deze slaapverwekkende show volgt. Want vergeleken met de comics (en ik quote co-founder Shamrock: die had moeten stoppen na issue 75) zeer saai is. Any way, de cast is blij dat ze de hypotheek van hun koophuis kunnen betalen en blaate het onderstaande tegen de website Entertainment Weekly.

"I think there may be a wee bit less of the run and gun. And [we'll] get a little more into some of our characters," Executive Producer Greg Nicotero told EW. "The challenge with a show like this, when you have a big ensemble, is you don't want any of the characters to get lost; it's important that we know what Carol's story is and that we know what Beth's story is. And when you're trying to service a lot of characters, it becomes challenging. Watching the first season of Walking Dead and seeing how grounded it was, that's really important to all of us. Andy Lincoln and I spent a lot of time going through the scripts and making sure we feel that they're grounded. Because that's what keeps our audience coming back. The walkers and the gore and the action and stuff, that's fun, that's the popcorn part of it. But if you don't have characters that people are invested in, you lose your audience."

If this doesn't sound like a good idea to you then you should speak out,

"We have the best fans in the world. If you go to the site, you see the message boards and can find out what they like and what they don't like. We look at that, so we know sort of what fans want and what we don't. They've given us a lot of interesting ideas. We're ultimately going to do something that's entirely unique and ours, but the fans are going to be very happy."
