De tien beste Duivel verschijningen in video games

RDJ134 7 maart 2013 om 17:10 uur

De duivel heeft velen namen, maar is voor ons gamers een oude bekende. Want in veel video games komt hij wel in één of andere vorm voorbij. Daarom heeft de website nu deze top tien gemaakt, en mijn favoriet van deze lijst is:

3. Lucifer (Dante's Inferno)

Dante Alighieri was a Florentine political hanger-on who wrote a novel symbolically torturing people he couldn't beat up in real life.

Since the Dante's Inferno designers made that literary prick into a knight who goes ham against Death itself, naturally they made the game's villain Lucifer go from "already horrifying" to "AAAAAAAGH NOOOOOOO SHIIIIIIIIIIT, hang on what? No, Mom, I'm fine, I'm just playing PS3."

Frozen in a lake of his own tears, their Lucifer appears as a spectral shadow anywhere he wants, who forces you to flashback to when you were committing war crimes in the Crusades, and drags your wife Beatrice to Hell to marry him. The boss battle's another solid top-demon affair, layered over with a hint of the literary and spiritual significance you only survived in high school with the saving power of SparkNotes.
