Robert Kirkman over de toekomst van Woodbury

RDJ134 9 maart 2013 om 02:37 uur

In een interview met Entertainment Weekly, vertelde Walking Dead bedenker Robert Kirkman wat meer over de toekomst van Woodbury. Het stadje waar The Governor nu de baas is en iedereen zijn ijzeren wil met harde hand oplegt. Uiteraard is Kikman erg cryptisch omdat seizoen 3 bijna is afgelopen en een vierde al is toegezegd.

I don't want to give anything away because we have some really cool stuff planned for the finale, but I will say that there is a resolution to the storyline at the end of the season, as people would expect. It becomes a whole complete story that you've been able to experience over the course of season 3. And It will set things up nicely for season 4. There are new places to go in season 4, but whether or not that means a new setting or new story direction or simply new characters I can't really nail down any specifics.
