The 5 Best and 5 Worst Ways Gears of War: Judgment Feels Like Fan-Made Material

Gtamen 21 maart 2013 om 20:50 uur

Elke game heeft voor en nadelen. De website Toplessrobot heeft een top 5 online gezet die de 5 voordelen en nadelen van Gears of War: Judgment op een rijtje zet. Je kan hem hier bekijken.

The key to any thrilling fan-made material is the attention to detail: having everything "feel" like the original property. Judgment has that in spades. The "destroyed beauty" look is probably the best it's ever been, with rain-soaked trenches and sunburst buildings giving the locale of Halvo Bay a "Gears on holiday" feel. (This is where being published by Epic works to the title's advantage.) The duck and cover is perfect. The red-screened "Objective Failed" looks the same as it has for the past seven years, which a good thing: you don't change certain aspects just because you can. (If J.J. Abrams decides to ditch the opening crawl for Star Wars VII he will be a baaaad robot!)

After Planet of the Apes became a box office hit, a sequel was put into production ASAP, but lead Charlton Heston was tired of those damn dirty apes. So he agreed to reprise his role as Col. Taylor only if he could have his role vastly reduced and blow up the world. (Which he does: great ending!) For the majority of the film, however, we follow some dude name Brent (James Franciscus) who looks and sounds too much like Col. Taylor.
