De vijf beste en vijf slechtste dingen van de Xbox One presentatie

RDJ134 22 mei 2013 om 20:36 uur

Microsoft heeft in 24 uur tijd het hele internet over de rooie gekregen, want de Xbox One heeft op dit ogenblik meer min dan pluspunten. Wij van houden onze mond hier niet over, want wij hebben tot in tegenstelling van de grote sites geen inkomsten uit reclames of krijgen we perstripjes en kunnen wij WEL kritiek uiten. De website Topless Robot heeft heel erg goed zijn best gedaan op vijf goede punten en vijf slechte punten van de presetatie naar voren te halen. Dingen zoals:

4. A Built-In Blu-ray Player! Yay! Welcome to 2007.

I still only play the Mass Effect trilogy on the 360 but I've become seriously annoyed that if I had created my FemShep on the PS3, I could do ME2 or ME3 on one disc. Disc swapping is more tedious than mining for Element Zero. So really, unless Microsoft was gonna cut out retail discs altogether, this was pretty much a foregone conclusion. I've heard about the "red ray" 4K discs but info on them is as hard to come by as the Shadow Broker.

My only concern is whether this means hi-def films will load faster than they do on current Blu-ray players. As limited as DVDs are, they have drives that run up to 12 x speed. Blus are at best 6 x. I for one am fine with still having physical copies of something I pay for. Of course, the whole used thing is still annoying (see below) but at the very least, the 50 gig discs will have some resale value, right? Right?

2. Possible Used Games Fees? Grrrr Argh!

As I mentioned earlier, I'm happy that I will be able to buy physical copies for the next generation of games. That said, does this mean if I sell my new copy of Halo 5 I'll only get 10 bucks for it on day one? Retail shops like Gamestop will need to consider the license fee and adjust accordingly. I'm guessing the fee will be between five to ten bucks. I hope. I really really hope.
