De tien meest corrupte politie agenten uit video games *SPOILER*

RDJ134 30 mei 2013 om 20:13 uur

Corrupte agenten zijn er in genoeg in het echte leven, de films, de comics en natuurlijk ook in video games. Daarom heeft de website nu deze lijst gemaakt met de tien meest corrupte politie agenten uit video games. Onze favoriet is natuurlijk geen verrassing, namelijk:

10. Officer Frank Tenpenny (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas)

Since 1994's Pulp Fiction, the casting of Samuel L. Jackson in any role serves as a sort of shorthand for the audience, as if to say "this expletive-shouting man may be dangerous and unstable." If he's on the protagonist's side, then victory's in the bag, and the creative vulgarities can fly freely without caution; unfortunately, the first five minutes Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas spell out the fact that Officer Frank Tenpenny is a very, very bad man. His behind-the-scenes string-pulling gives our hero CJ the mass-murderer status demanded by every Grand Theft Auto installment to date, and Tenpenny's own crimes eventually lead to a full-scale riot the aging hardware of the PlayStation 2 did its best to simulate. Close to ten years later, and Grand Theft Auto as a whole has yet to come up with a more enigmatic villain - or at least one voiced by a guy with some clearly defined snake boundaries.
