Xbox 360 bèta van Medal of Honor komt wat later

RDJ134 1 juli 2010 om 17:25 uur

Slecht nieuws voor de Xbox 360 bezitters die smachtend uitkijken naar de multiplayer bèta van Medal of Honor, want deze is wederom verschoven naar een onbekende datum. Er schijnen nog wat problemen te zijn die opgelost moeten worden om de ultieme ervaring te bieden.

Today we are coming to you with an update on the Medal of Honor beta. First, the good news. The PlayStation 3 and PC betas are in full swing with lots of great, constructive feedback flowing back to the team. For that, we thank you. We appreciate you sharing your candid feedback and for pointing out areas of improvement. That's the beauty of a beta - your feedback will make the game better for everyone.

As for the Xbox 360 version of the beta, we are delayed and we apologize. To the Xbox 360 community, we say thank you for your continued patience. We are working to fix the issues that have caused this delay and, like you, we're eager to get the game up and running at quality. As soon as we do, you'll be the first to know. We can't wait to hear your response to the game - feedback which will also certainly help ensure the game exceeds expectations when we ship this Fall. When the Medal of Honor beta does arrive on the Xbox 360, it will be open to Xbox 360 players who've pre-ordered the game and we will extend the beta to ensure all players have ample time to play and provide feedback for the final product. So stay tuned for an update. We hope to bring you some good news soon.
