6 Brilliant Clues Hidden in the Background of Video Games

Gtamen 31 juli 2013 om 17:11 uur

Sommige games hebben de meest aparte geheimen verstopt, waaronder Red Dead Redemption die een soort van God heeft in de game die je een gigantische mindfuck geeft. Hier is de top 6 met de beste.

#5. Red Dead Redemption -- A Biblical Figure Spoils the Hero's Fate Midgame

Via Xbox.com

Red Dead Redemption is a great game for teaching your kids about the futility of life. You play as John Marston, a rugged ex-outlaw whose family is kidnapped by the government in order to force him into killing off his old gang. However (SPOILER!), after everybody dies, the government decides Marston is too dangerous to live and shoots him full of holes. That's certainly one way to skimp on giving a guy his paycheck.

Via Diversewoman.wordpress.com

"Congraturation, you win game! Now dead person is you, game over!"

After this, he's buried on a hill overlooking his home. A hill that might look awfully familiar to players who've done their homework.

The Foreshadowing:

Throughout the game, Marston completes missions for random townspeople, which is odd, since you also have the option to tie these people up and leave them to get squished under the wheels of locomotives. One such mission involves a mysterious man in a mysterious suit who seemingly knows everything about Marston and his outlaw past. It's heavily hinted that the man is God or some other supernatural being. He certainly isn't of this world -- when you shoot him in a fit of rage, he completely ignores it, like his mind was on more important matters.

Via GTASeriesVideos

Like he's almost out of mustache wax.

During the final meeting between Marston and maybe-God, he remarks that the location they're standing on will "make a fine spot." Here's the location:

Via GTASeriesVideos

If it were Halo, he'd be the Angel of Teabaggin.

Now, focus on the tree and bare patch of land, and compare that with the picture of Marston's grave from earlier. Yep, it's the same goddamn place. Marston has just been told, albeit in the vaguest of terms, that he's about to die, and that this is where he will spend eternity after being reduced to target practice by federal agents.

Oh, and if that's not creepy enough: Earlier on, the mysterious man remarks, "I hope my boy turns out just like you." You might think he's talking about Jesus (thus confirming the God thing), but guess what: It's actually more foreshadowing! The game doesn't end with Marston's death; after his funeral, his son, Jack, takes up the gun and swears revenge for his father. He does so by killing a whole bunch of people, just like dear old dad did, and just as the heavens foretold.
