Microsoft is begonnen met het bannen van mensen met buitenlandse accounts

RDJ134 28 september 2013 om 21:09 uur

Microsoft pakt niet vaak de ban hamer er bij om massaal consoles en gamertags te bannen. Maar sinds enkele dagen doen ze dit wel, bij mensen die meerder accounts hebben voor verschillende regio's. Want zo zijn er voor verschillende landen verschillende gratis en indie games die de rest van de wereld niet heeft en dan is het kwestie van een nieuw account aanmaken en postcode ingeven. Maar dat is dus nu verleden tijd en bant het Microsoft deze gamers die eigenlijk weinig kwaads doen, zoals bijvoorbeeld gebrande games spelen enzo......

It would seem that Microsoft has gotten tired or people creating Xbox Live profiles for different regions just to take advantage of the free game or games in that region and have started to ban those consoles for XBLA theft.

The way the free games were acquired was for example a game was offered for free in Russia so a person in the US would create a Russian Xbox Live account then sign-in to the newly created account and take advantage of the free game.

Microsoft has been known to collect data on consoles and wait to set bans into action and with the release of the Xbox One so close a ban wave has been rumored for some time. As of right now the bans only effect the console and the accounts are not effected.

No reports have been made that people are getting banned for the use of modded DVD drives right now but there always that risk.
