Vijf favoriete films van werelds gevreesde dictators

RDJ134 20 juli 2010 om 15:59 uur

Wat hebben dictators zoals Hitler, Stalin en Saddam Hoesein met elkaar gemeen?? Ok ze hebben aardig wat doden op hun naam staan, maar deze 'heren' hadden ook een grote liefde voor films. De website heeft nu een top vijf gemaakt met dictators en hun favoriete films, en daar zitten toch wel een paar verassingen bij.

3. Saddam Hussein Enjoyed a Good Thriller

After Saddam was overthrown, examples of his egomaniac mind were brought to the attention to the general public. Apparently, the man went to great lengths to enter the history books, even rebuilding Babylon with bricks which had his name encrypted on them.

As for movies, an insider claims that Saddam enjoyed complex thrillers, because he thought himself to be just as cunning as the intelligent movie characters he saw on screen. Some of his favorites were reportedly 'The Day of the Jackal' and 'Enemy of the State,' movies about conspiracy theories and hidden agendas that are obscured from average people. And when he wasn't imagining himself as the lead in a spy movie, Saddam also enjoyed watching classics like 'The Godfather' and 'The Old Man and the Sea.' At least he had good tastes when it came to Coppola.
