Samuel Jackson verklapt dat Elizabeth Olsen de rol van de Scarlet Witch speelt

RDJ134 3 oktober 2013 om 17:59 uur

Samuel "motherfucker" Jackson heeft altijd moeite om iets voor zich te houden, want zo heeft hij in dit interview met The Wallstreet Journal verteld dat Elizabeth Olsen de rol van de Scarlet Witch speelt in The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. Oops.....

"I don't think we begin shooting before March of next year. I know we're shooting in London, that James Spader is Ultron and going to be the bad guy, and that we added Ms. [Elizabeth] Olsen [who will play the Scarlet Witch], but I don't know what she's doing, if she's on the inside or the outside. I haven't seen a script."
