The Walking Dead nieuws, animated comic en interview

RDJ134 22 juli 2010 om 03:11 uur

Nu de Comic Con in San Diego van start is gegaan zijn daar veel ogen gericht op de aankomende TV serie van The Walking Dead. Zo had de website een interview met Greg Nicotero over zijn rol bij de TV Show, en daarbij worden we uiteraard behoorlijk lekker gemaakt. En op de website is te lezen dat een tweede seizoen een go is. Dan is er tot slot nog op de website van AMC (de zender die The Walking Dead gaat uitzenden) nog de eerste van zes motion comics te zien. Althans als je uit Amerika komt, maar uiteraard was deze video ook al op Youtube te vinden.

FEARnet: The Walking Dead has been a pet project's of Darabont's for quite a few years. When were you first brought on board?

Greg Nicotero: Frank and I have talked about The Walking Dead for years. He introduced me to Robert Kirkman three years ago. He was really dedicated to doing the show and being able to have Frank put his fingerprint on the zombie genre. Frank astounds me, his desire to really tell this story and be faithful to it. It makes me happy that he's so dedicated to the material. When he went back to Los Angeles after directing the Pilot, he wanted to make sure that the level of quality of the scripts and the directors and everything stayed high.

In crafting the look of the zombies, what influences did you draw upon?

We used the graphic novel as the starting point. I've done my share of zombie movies in the past. The idea of this is, some zombies will be fresher looking and some will have that kind of classic beginning of decomposition rot. Everybody has contact lenses. We've done pretty elaborate sculptures with dentures and hair pieces and that stuff to really simulate the fact that the lips are decomposing and peeling away, revealing gums and teeth. If you look at all the drawings in the graphic novel, there's always a lot of teeth showing.
