Pssst: District 9 geweer kopen??

RDJ134 22 juli 2010 om 16:23 uur

Vorig jaar verscheen de zeer vette science fiction film District 9, en daarin werd in een aantal scene's een buitenaards laser geweer gebruikt. Nou wie toevallig nog $499 heeft liggen en niet bang is om de Nederlandse Wapenwet te overtreden, kan nu hier een replica van het wapen kopen.

The first gun presented to Wikus van der Merwe (by the MNU scientists) at the underground shooting range at MNU headquarters, the Assault rifle makes short work of the porcine kadaver strung up for target practice.

This is known about the science behind the Assault Rifle, according to Designer Greg Broadmore:

"The tubes down the side each discharge an explosive burst of gas one after the other down the length of the barrel behind the projectile - a linear accelerator gun, like a rail gun but without the magnets. Of course it would fire these all rapidly to get a high rate of fire."

An EXACT replica of the guns used in Neill Blomkamp's District 9, designed by Dr Grordbort's designer Greg Broadmore and modelled on the actual props created by the artists and craftspeople at Weta Workshop.

This gun comes battle worn, alien gunk oozing out of its couplings and all the scratches and markings you'd expect from tough action in District 9 and by handling by Nigerian gun runners.

It's made mainly from glass fibre, with some details made from other materials, like plastic tubing etc where necessary. It comes with a wall mounting bracket for display.

PLEASE NOTE: Unless your genetic makeup is part prawn, you cannot power up or fire this gun.
