Miami gaat dit weekeinde gebukt onder de Zombie Apocalypse

RDJ134 8 november 2013 om 16:24 uur

Dit weekeinde houd Adventure Combat Ops in Miami een gesimuleerde zombie outbreak waar ex militairen (inclusief Rangers, Delta Forces, Navy Seals en elite eenheden) en burgers tegen betaling aan mee kunnen doen. Dit is trouwens het eerste evenement waarvan er nog velen moeten gaan volgen. Mocht iemand willen sponseren voor een trip hier naar toe, dan kan er contact via de bekende mails worden opgenomen.

Adventure Combat Operations is an entirely new world engrossed in the existing reality of modern day conspiracies, combined with the apocalyptic science fiction of the supernatural and undead. This truly is a sensory immersive experience that will tap into each of your senses at a level like never before.

Our actors and cadre come from a world of mystique with their backgrounds and their corporate experience is derived from providing similar Full Mission Profile training to US Military and Government Special Operations organizations. The actors you will have the privilege, honor, and enjoyment of meeting and working with are from the US Army Rangers, Special Forces, MARSOC (Marine Special Operations Command), Navy SEALs, and Delta Force. These are the actual men that movies are made from and books are written about. Upon their separation from the military they have each been selected to work for the cleared defense contracting firm that provides the ultimate training venue for Special Operations and Special Missions Units. These venues are so intense in their design and development that every aspect of combat possible is tested - mentally, physically, physiologically, and psychologically. Watch an example of our operations:
