PlayStation 4 schijnt met aardig wat kapotte exemplaren uit te komen

RDJ134 14 november 2013 om 19:09 uur

Voor de early adaptors is het altijd een klein risico met een nieuwe console, want de eerste generatie Xbox 360's kwamen met de RROD, de PlayStation 3 met krassende drives en de YLOD. Maar nu de PlayStation 4 al onder de diverse media is verspreid duiken er nu verhalen op van consoles die niet of half goed werken. Verhalen zoals:


Though the PlayStation 4 won't be released in North America until Friday, some users who have obtained early access to the systems are reporting broken displays. An IGN retail PS4 stopped outputting through the HDMI after the user began downloading Netflix. Kotaku's first retail system also reportedly had a faulty HDMI jack that would not output a signal. Two other users on NeoGAF, who obtained early access to their consoles via a Taco Bell promotion, also reported similar problems with HDMI outputs. Based on reports from at least one user, Sony has been responsive to warranty claims and is shipping a replacement unit. As is the case for all PlayStation hardware, the PS4 is covered by warranty for twelve months.

It's not unusual for the early runs of console hardware to experience trouble. There are nearly limitless relationships between hardware, software, and user behavior. While many of the incompatibilities can be cleared up during testing, the scale of interactions when the console goes public is bound to reveal numerous otherwise unpredictable problems.

IGN has reached out to Sony for comment but has not yet heard back. Users who are experiencing trouble are encouraged to contact Sony support 1-800-345-SONY.

Stephen Totilo van Kotaku:

Hey, what's wrong with your unit? I run Kotaku and mentioned in my review of the console today that the first retail unit we got from Sony was faulty. It turned on and off, but it had a bad HDMI jack that prevented the console from outputting a signal to the TV. Is that at all what you experienced?

arogon (reddit user)
When I turn on my console it just sits there pulsing blue. As far as I can tell it is supposed to turn white but it isn't doing that. There is no signal on my tv either. I talked to at least 5 tech support people on the phone and 1 on-line. All of them but two outright refused to help me saying that the console is not yet released and they can't help me. Two of the tech tried to help me boot it up into safe mode and that failed. At that point they both told me to call back Friday. I have the video of my initial boot up here:arogon1416 - Streaming PS4 thingies - Twitch if you want I can make a new video better explaining my problem.
