Holiday Weekend Discounts in GTA Online: Turkey Shoot & Black Friday Sale

RDJ134 27 november 2013 om 19:54 uur

Dit weekeinde is er in Amerika de Black Friday die daar officieel het koopseizoen voor de feestdagen inluid. Ook Rockstart doet daar gezellig aan mee, maar wel op hun manier. Want wie Grand Theft Auto Online speelt kan daar gebruik maken van diverse kortingen op wapens en..... zwarte kleding. De actie loopt van vrijdag tot en met zondag. Dus wil je voordelig nieuwe guns en outfits willen, dan is hier je kans.

After you've recovered from gatherings with dysfunctional family members, participating in unplanned scuffles in department stores over drastically discounted kitchen appliances and engaging in wanton acts of mass poultry consumption, sneak back to Los Santos where a host of GTA Online items will be discounted this holiday weekend.

Turkey Shoot
Targeting your elusive bounty for the holiday table shouldn't cost an arm and a leg.

50% Off "Hunting" Rifles: Assault Rifle, Carbine Rifle, Advanced Rifle, Heavy Sniper, Sniper Rifle
50% Off All Rifle Attachments
50% Off All Rifle Ammo

Black Friday Sale
Color-coded Discounts are the new black this season.

50% Off Select Black Colored Clothing & Accessories, including: jewelry, ties, shirts, vests, jeans, pants, board shorts, dresses, skirts, chinos, shoes, flip-flops, cargo pants, t-shirts, tracksuits, tank tops, hoodies, polo shirts, skate shoes, oxfords, boots, masks, ear defenders, hats, beanies, bandanas, helmets, glasses and much more.
50% Off Select Black Colored Vehicle Modifications: window tinting, black tire smoke, black license plates

Grab these specially discounted items in GTA Online beginning on Thursday, November 28th and all throughout the holiday weekend until the end of day on December 1st.
