Bryan Singer kondigt X-Men Apocalypse aan

RDJ134 6 december 2013 om 00:24 uur

X-Men: Days of Future Past draait nog geen eens in de bioscopen, of Bryan Singer heeft vandaag al het vervolg hier op aangekondigd. Want in 2016 zal X-Men Apocalypse wereldwijd in de bioscopen moeten draaien, de echte comic fans zullen bekend zijn met het verhaal. Maar wie dat nog niet is kan hier onder wat meer informatie vinden.


#Xmen #Apocalypse 2016!


No stopping the X-Men franchise. Fox's X-MEN: APOCALYPSE will drop May 27, 2016.

Born nearly 5,000 years ago in ancient Egypt, Apocalypse is one of the earliest known mutant humans. As "En Sabah Nur", or "The First One," he traveled the world for thousands of years, instigating wars to test which nations were fittest and was worshipped as a god by ancient civilizations.

In the 20th century, Nur, now called Apocalypse, decided that the emerging superhuman mutants were destined to supplant unfit ordinary humans. Hence, he often battled the original X-Fact and the X-Men, who were dedicated to peaceful coexistence between mutants and other humans.

Though extraordinarily long-loved, Apocalypse's phsyical body eventually wore out. He survived by projecting his consciousness into host bodies.

The powers of Apocalypse include altering the atomic structure of his body to change shape, increasing his size by absorbing additional mass, superhuman strength, stamina and durability.
