Benedict Cumberbatch noemt J.J. Abrams een Dickhead

RDJ134 6 december 2013 om 00:43 uur

Twee dagen gelden kon je hier op al lezen dat J.J. Abrams zijn excuus aanbood over het geheim houden van Khan tijdens de promotie van Star Trek: Into Darkness. Benedict Cumberbatch die in de film Khan speelt is nu woest op Abrams en noemt hem in dit interview met Entertainment Weekly zelfs een dickhead. Zoals ze bij Jerry Springen zouden roepen: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!

What a dickhead,' chuckled Cumberbatch when informed of Abrams' comments. 'The amount of times we had to lie for him... the amount of times I had to talk about it not being my character! No, I love him,' continues the star, 'but I don't know if it was a bad or a good thing... the intention was to have a reveal in the audience that was going to be thrilling. That worked to an extent. Not everybody knew what they were in for when they went into the theatre... for those people it was a good thing... There was a verbal and physical reaction to it [in theatres I saw it in], so it kind of works.'
