Top 11 van slechte Dracula's

RDJ134 28 juli 2010 om 17:14 uur

De Bram Stoker bestseller karakter Dracula was gebaseerd op de verhalen en legenden van Vlad Dracula, een Roemeens krijgsheer uit 1400 die zijn tegenstanders graag op palen liet zetten en leeg bloeden. Zo nu en dan duikt deze legendarische bloedzuiger op in films en TV series, maar vaak doet dit zijn reputatie geen eer aan. Dus voor de website Topless Robot tijd om een top 11 van slechte Dracula's te maken, zoals:

9) Count Dracula from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy mixed it up with the crown prince of vampirism in season 5, but he was really nothing to write home about. The difference between Drac and the usual vampires she fought was that he was more Euro-trashy and less feral. On the whole, what could have been the be-all-end-all of Buffy fights ended up being a one-off episode. When all is said and done, most of us would have been happy with the regular vampire uglys that the Scooby Gang battled. Oh, and don't get me started on the fact that he's shown up in the season eight comic book. Seriously, every Buffy character ever is getting a second chance in that clusterfuck.
