James Gunn over Rocket Racoon

RDJ134 9 januari 2014 om 02:28 uur

Hoe je het went of keert, Rocket Racoon is de mascotte voor de Guardians of the Galaxy film. Dus nu mag James Gunn aan de pers uitleggen waarom deze zo fookin' cool is. Tijdens dit en dit interview zei hij het onderstaande en ik quote:

We needed a raccoon to study how he looked and his behavior, so that our on-screen raccoon, which is generated through CGI will be realistic,' he explained. 'Our Rocket is based on a combination of our voice actor, Bradley Cooper, our on-set actor, my brother Sean Gunn, the movements and behavior and look of Oreo, as well as my own animation... Bradley is one of those actors that can do drama and comedy equally well. He can do character work as well as being a leading man. These are important qualities in the role of Rocket - which is a lot more dramatic than you might think.'

'He is most representative of the Guardians in the fact that he's this little mangled beast that was taken and experimented on and torn apart and put back together, and we have to feel that character's soul,' Gunn says. 'If we see his plight, and see why he's such an angry little guy, then the movie will work.'
