Vijf horrorfilms die je kinderjaren kunnen verpesten

RDJ134 4 augustus 2010 om 17:14 uur

Bijna iedereen zal als kind wel een horror film herinneren die bijna je Transformers of TNMT payama liet vol lopen met jus, en er voor zorgde dat je weken zoniet maanden met het licht aan liet slapen. De website Shocktillyoudrop heeft een top met vijf van zulke films gemaakt, onze favoriet was natuurlijk de originele A Nightmare on Elmstreet uit 1984.

4.) A Nightmare on Elm Street

SCAR VALUE: Super F'ed Up

SEEN: Out of context. At a friend's house. My folks were unaware I was watching it.

THE "MOMENT": Two taboo subjects coming together like peanut butter and chocolate. Sex and violence. There was no way in hell my parents were going to let me see this when it first hit VHS. And I quickly learned why when I watched Tina's death play out from the time you can hear her humping away on Rod to her grisly end that crescendos with her taking a back flop onto a bed full of blood.

HOW DOES IT HOLD UP? C'mon. You don't even need an answer to this question. The scene is far from outdated and is incredibly inventive, even if it was difficult for Wes Craven and his production crew to pull off.
