Vijf superhelden games waar de helden hun krachten kwijt zijn

RDJ134 7 maart 2014 om 20:02 uur

De bedoeling van Superhelden (en Villians) is dat ze bovenmenselijke krachten hebben en dat gaat al zo sinds de eerste comics. Alleen in videogames willen de makers nog wel eens een loopje nemen met deze ongeschreven regels, door onze helden kwetsbaar te maken of hun krachten af te pakken. Daarom heeft de website nu dit artikel er over geschreven.

3. The Incredible Hulk - The Hulk Can Be Killed With Guns

The Source Material
: The Hulk is the strongest there is! The madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets! You get the idea. He is big, green, strong, and rapidly heals back from almost any damage. Surviving nukes, defeating gods (puny god), fighting Superman on an even level in Marvel-DC crossovers... this beast's true limits are unknown. There are plenty of comic book characters even more powerful than him, but trust me... you wouldn't like him when he's angry. Is there any more Hulk cliché I can force in here? Oh, I got one. Huuulk Smaaaash!

The Game: You can totally handle an angry Hulk... if you pack some serious heat. Many enemies have guns in this otherwise fun beat-em-up (excellent soundtrack by the way, you guys!) and they drain Hulk's health crazy fast.

The problem is the same as in Wolverine's case. How do you make a challenge when the main character's primary attribute is 'this guy just won't die'? You ignore that attribute and hope the fans won't notice what you did if you also put in a funky soundtrack (seriously, awesome soundtrack, you guys!).

And again, this could have easily been solved by giving Hulk some worthy, freakishly powerful opponents. Any proper beat-em-up featuring this guy should be about all sorts of crazy abominations (led by The Abomination) going up against everyone's favorite green monster (who shops for pants at the same place The Joker does) and the whole city getting torn apart in the process. Sure, there are some monsters in the game, and you'd think the bosses will make you think "now THAT's more like it", but they don't. Seriously, Rhino? RHINO? He is one of the pushover Spider-Man villains. How could he possibly be a match for Hulk? Even when freakish monsters DO shop up for one level, they disappoint, being mildly annoying at best. Gamma radiated monsters should be the real threat to the Hulk, not guns that make 'pew-pew' noises. The most powerful thing about this game is not the Hulk. It's the Funk.
