Drie DLC's en een gratis wagen voor Split/Second

RDJ134 9 augustus 2010 om 01:24 uur

Disney Interactive heeft het afgelopen weekeinde via de Facebook pagina van de game bekend gemaakt dat Split/Second binnenkort drie DLC's zal krijgen. Daar van zullen er twee (premium) bestaan uit nieuwe wagens en de derde is een GRATIS!! bolide. Mijn review van de game kan je hier vinden.

Hi everyone, the wait is almost over for Split/Second downloadable content! Coming later this month will be three new downloadable packs. The first DLC pack will provide new liveries to really make your turbo-powered Elite vehicles stand out from the rest of the crowd! The second DLC pack will be a entirely new vehicle offering called the "High Octane" Supercar Pack (see screenshot below).
Finally, as a way of saying thanks to our awesome community, we will be giving away a FREE special edition vehicle based on the original classic Ryback Cyclone! These packs will be available on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network in the next couple of weeks along with a major DLC pack featuring a new environment coming in September. Watch this page for details!
