Twaalf van de beste white trash rollen op rij

RDJ134 9 augustus 2010 om 19:20 uur

In veel Amerikaanse films zien we White Trash voor bij komen, maar sommige van deze acteurs zijn zelf echt zo of zullen voor altijd met hun rol in een specifieke film worden geassocieerd. De website heeft twaalf van deze aso's op een rij gezet, en onze favoriet is Waingro uit Heat (1995). Aangezien de bijbehorende foto erg saai was heb ik dus maar even een video opgedoken. Trouwens vinden jullie ook niet dat hij veel van Lynch (van de Kane & Lynch games)

¨Kevin Gage as Waingro in Heat

If you are part of a tight crew and you are doing a big job that requires skill, precision and discipline, you'd be best to reconsider bringing Waingro along. This was Neil's fatal mistake in Heat and he paid dearly for it. As for Waingro himself, the role was played flawlessly by Kevin Gage, so much in fact that he probably has a hard time visiting African American hookers in real life for fear that he may notify them that they are visiting with the Grim Reaper. But if that's the biggest problem Gage has these days he needs to really rethink his priorities because unfortunately for him he hasn't been able to take his career beyond character-actor status. But nevertheless, he'll always have his role as Waingro under his belt and we'll never forget him for that.

Best line: "I am cowboy, looking for anything heavy. Billy Rickets sent me so that is why I am here."
