Top 11 van celebrity nerds

RDJ134 13 augustus 2010 om 16:42 uur

Wat weinige mensen weten is dat veel acteurs, musici en politici die hard nerds zijn. Of dit nu gaat om videogames, comics of films ze zitten in alle lagen van nerdness. Meeste bekende zijn uiteraard Nicolas 'Lord of the wigs' Cage (comics) en de zeer lekkere Mila Kunis (die verslaafd is aan World of Warcraft). Maar de website Topless Robot wist nog een aantal andere celebrity's te vinden en vooral de nummer één is een grote verassing. Mijn favoriet is mijn droom vrouw Felicia Day uiteraard.

6) Felicia Day

When I neglected to include actress (and World of Warcraft fanatic) Felicia Day on my previous list, lots of you magnificent readers were quick to tell me what I jerk I was for leaving her out. Message received. Through her work on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Guild and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog she has earned a dedicated well as some detractors who just don't get what all the fuss is about. Like Bruce Campbell, an actor she seems to be the female equivalent of, Day possesses the savvy to continually please her devotees through great self-promotion and left-of-center career choices. Her dedication to playing the Hollywood game while steadily building up an audience on her terms is pretty impressive, whether you give a shit about her career or not.
