Tien onthullingen van het Zombie plan van de Amerikaanse overheid

RDJ134 20 mei 2014 om 16:48 uur

Dat de zombie apocalypse er aan komt is onvermijdelijk, en dat is gewoon iets dat je moet accepteren je op voorbereiden. Pas geleden werd bekend dat het Amerikaanse leger een nood scenario heeft gemaakt voor als dit een realiteit wordt. Nu heeft de website Topless Robot (die net als ons zeer bewust is van de naderende dreiging) hun artikel gemaakt over de plus en min punten van het plan.

8. The Government Does Not Have Enough Twinkies, or Any Other Supplies Necessary to Withstand Zombieland

One of the key aspects of a long term anti-zombie campaign is going to be provisions. Sadly, according to CONPLAN 8888, provisions would be our greatest weakness. The document states that US Strategic Command forces don't have on hand enough supplies to outlast a zombie siege as short as thirty days. This simple shortcoming could literally affect the continuation of the human race as we know it.

The document assumes that most zombies, aside from the evil magic variety, would still be limited to the simple laws of biology in that, they would likely cease to function after about thirty to forty days without nourishment. In the best case scenario, that would leave Strategic Command forces running out of provisions days before the undead starved to death...again. The military would be a few days late, and a lot of hamburgers short.

To make matters worse, it's likely that the military wouldn't last the initial thirty days. CONPLAN 8888 specifically states that "USSTRATCOM (United States Strategic Command) has no ground combat forces capable of repelling a zombie assault." While this is a completely fictional scenario, it does give pause to wonder, if there were a full scale invasion of the country, would the military be able to repel it successfully? Granted, the single advantage zombies have is their ability for what the military refers to as recruitment and retention, giving them far greater numbers in a short period of time, but how much of an opposing real world force would it take to overwhelm our current, exhausted fighting force? Would the American people augment the military, Wolverines-style, or would we just be crying out to the world, "Avenge us!"
