PlayStation 4 verkoopt 3 op 1 met de Xbox One

RDJ134 4 augustus 2014 om 18:27 uur

De eeuwige strijd tussen Sony en Microsoft is nog altijd gaande en het lijkt er op dat het Japanse bedrijf de strijd aan het winnen is van het bedrijf uit Redmond. Want voor elke Xbox One worden er maar liefst drie PlayStation 4 consoles verkocht en dat moet toch wel behoorlijk pijnlijk zijn voor de Microsoft die tot in tegenstelling van Sony de consoles gelijdelijk wereldwijd verkoopt en een dikke imagodeuk opliep door hun restricties en verplichte Kinect.

During its quarterly earnings call yesterday, Sony said that it had sold a combined total of 3.5 million units of the PS4 and PS3, compared to Microsoft's quarterly figure of just 1.1 million Xbox One and Xbox 360 consoles.

Neither Sony or Microsoft opted to break down these numbers into per-console sales figures, but using previous announcements as a baseline it's probably around 70-30 in favor of the PS4 and Xbox One. In short, this means Sony sold around 2.5 million PS4s last quarter, compared to about 800,000 Xbox Ones. This equates to some very unfavorable total global sales figures for the Xbox One, which we'll discuss below.

While Sony gave us a combined total of 3.5 million PS4s and PS3s sold during the quarter, the last exact PS4 sales figure (7 million) was way back in April. By our estimations, the PS4 is probably sitting at around 9 million consoles sold globally.

Microsoft also used its quarterly earnings call to announce that it had shipped 1.1 million combined units of the Xbox One and Xbox 360 in the April-June quarter. Note that Sony announced sold units, while Microsoft stuck with shipped units (which means consoles might be sitting on retailer shelves).

It's getting a little bit farcical by this point, but Microsoft hasn't actually given us an exact Xbox One sales figure since the end of 2013 (3 million). Our estimates put the Xbox One, globally, at around 5 million sold units.

Sony would appear to be smashing Microsoft to pieces at the moment, but the sales figures could be a lot closer by the end of the next quarter. Even if Microsoft does make up some ground, though, the PS4 shows no sign of slowing down - and with an installed base that's now almost twice as large as the Xbox One (9 million vs. 5 million), I fear the damage has already been done.
