Chloe Moretz maakt geen Kick Ass omdat het vorige deel te veel is gedownload

RDJ134 29 augustus 2014 om 01:31 uur

Chloe Moretz die in de twee Kick Ass films de rol van Hit Girl speelde, heeft in dit interview laten weten dat ze waarschijnlijk dit niet voor een derde keer zal gaan doen. De reden?? omdat Kick Ass 2 het slecht deed in de bioscopen en de meest gedownloade film van vorig jaar was. Dus het komt allemaal door het downloaden, boe fook hoe.

"Sadly, I think I'm done with the character," Moretz said. "Hit-Girl was a very cool character, but I don't think there will be any more movies. You make these movies for the fanboys, but nowadays everyone seems to pirate them rather than watch them in the movie theatre.

"Kick-Ass 2 was one of the number one pirated movies of the year, but that doesn't help us because we need box office figures. We need to prove to the distributors that we can make money from a third and a fourth movie - but because it didn't do so well, we can't make another one.

"If you want more than one movie, everyone has to go and see movies at the cinema. It's all about the numbers in the theatre."
