The Sims 4 piraten krijgen een leuke verrassing

RDJ134 6 september 2014 om 02:03 uur

Developers die grappen uithalen met een kopieer beveiliging is een lang lopende traditie, maar de makers van The Sims 4 hadden een leuke verrassing voor de mensen die hun game illegaal downloaden. Want de game wordt na een bezoek aan de WC of douche opeens helemaal gepixelt zijn. Hilarisch op en top natuurlijk, helemaal omdat piraten naar de officiële forums gaan om te klagen.

With The Sims 4 not having a simultaneous release, impressions from gamers being very mixed, and real reviews not being available until after release, some gamers have taken to seeking out pirate versions of the game.

Piracy is a real problem in the world of videogames so when there are in-game consequences for pirating a game the results can be quite amusing. Anyone who has pirated The Sims 4 will have noticed that when a Sim goes to the bathroom or takes a shower the screen turns all pixelated. It also stays pixelated when the action is complete and all of a sudden the game turns into The Sims does Minecraft.

What's even more amusing is that pirates have been posting on forums, including the official forums, inquiring about "the bug". Oh dear.

There's no doubt The Sims 4 will be heavily pirated because of concerns over removed features and the lack of reviews but that's still no excuse to pirate a game. If players have any concerns about a game's quality just wait for trusted reviews to appear before actually buying the game.
