Vijf comic momenten waar super villains op een weirde manier werden verslagen

RDJ134 12 september 2014 om 16:37 uur

Wie al lang genoeg comics leest weet dat zo nu en dan de schrijvers en tekenaars totaal het pad (lees crack roken) totaal kwijt raken. Het resultaat is dan iets wat zelfs voor comics te gek voor woorden is. De website heeft nu deze lijst gemaakt waar in super villains verslagen werden op een rare en vooral vernederende manier zoals:

2. Galactus loses fight with Thanos, turns into Elvis Presley

Back when he had a fully-powered Infinity Gauntlet (coming eventually, someday to a theater near you!), even Galactus was no match for a souped-up Thanos. Though in the official comic Galactus was merely beaten and imprisoned by Thanos, a "What If?" story doomed the big purple god to an even hunkier fate: Being reincarnated on earth as a mortal that looks and sounds a hell of a lot like Elvis Presley.

Confused and without any memories, Galactus is taken in by one of those incredibly attractive, poverty-stricken waitresses that make up half the voting bloc in most rural counties. Together they discover that this new stranger is a dead-ringer for a dead man. As he recovers and explores his identity, Galactus-Elvis struggles to live with a baleful, bottomless hunger that no amount of peanut butter and banana sandwiches can sate. Whether this is a result of being 50% planet-eating deity and 50% Galactus no one can say -- but more importantly it gives us one of the best images on any page ever printed, as Elvis purrs: "Ma'am, the hunger gnaws."

Just after the un-dead King is discovered by the general public, superhero Adam Warlock shows up with his newly-won Infinity Gauntlet and restores Galactus' memory. Given the choice between returning to reign over a universe with a defunct space program or being a big fish in the stagnant pond that is the music industry, Galactus decides on the latter. It ends on something of a happy note, if you don't count the inevitable bloated corpse slumped over a toilet.

Though he was responsible for Galactus' terrible fate, Thanos might have had it worse...
