Prijsverhoging van Xbox Live Gold valt verkeerd

RDJ134 30 augustus 2010 om 21:21 uur

Microsoft heeft vandaag bekend gemaakt dat Amerika, Mexico, Engeland en Canada meer moeten betalen voor hun Xbox Live Gold Abonnement. Iin de reacties van de aankondiging gaan mensen helemaal uit dak en schelden Major Nelson verrot, en eerlijk gezegd zal het weinig nut hebben. Want de mensen betalen toch wel om online te kunnen spelen.

Let's all thank ESPN/Last FM/Twitter/Facebook and every other useless additional service for this. What a world of butthurt...

hahahahhaha lol charging 60 dollars and now telling the people it`s not enough ? hahahah Microsoft should win an award for kicking their loyal userbase in the balls and laughing at the same time :)

Prices didn't need an increase they were fine. Don't you guys make enough money?

So what new features are you giving us to justify the $10 increase? Currently we pay $50 for the features we have to date, If you arent adding something totally new then how is this not just an increase to offset costs?

Im fine if you have to increase it because of the cost of running has increased, But I feel you should say that instead of saying "We're confident that when the new pricing takes effect, an Xbox LIVE Gold membership will continue to offer the best value in the industry." The discount program is a good first step in making the yearly fee a better value but you still need to do more. (free games like PSN is doing or free expansions... something)
