Fate of Carmine campagne haalt $150.000 op

RDJ134 6 september 2010 om 22:26 uur

De "Fate of Carmine" campagne is voorbij, en ook al houden Cliff 'i wear big boy pants now' Bleszinski en Rod Fergusson de uitkomst voor zichzelf, de actie heeft wel $150.000 voor het goede doel Child's Play opgehaald. Gamers konden bepalen of Carmine in Gears of War 3 dood gaat of zal leven, dit kon door het kopen van echte en Avatar Tshirts.

The fate of Gears of War 3's Clayton Carmine is sealed. Epic Games' Cliff Bleszinski and Rod Fergusson wouldn't reveal what fate would ultimately befall the latest Carmine, but announced that the "Fate of Carmine" campaign has raised $150,000 for Child's Play.

Although the promotion/charity event ended September 1, it appears that the shirts are still available for purchase (SAVE CARMINE Male, Female / CARMINE MUST DIE Male, Female) on the Xbox Marketplace. We're sure that buying the apparel now won't affect Clayton's chance at survival, but it's unclear if the proceeds still go to charity -- we're following up with Microsoft.
