Tom Cavanagh over zijn rol in The Flash

RDJ134 6 december 2014 om 17:21 uur

Ik zeg het niet snel, maar Arrow en The Flash zijn toch wel de beste superhelden series op de Amerikaanse TV. Het is grappig, actie vol, heeft lekkere tech chicks en een comic vibe. In The Flash speelt Tom Cavanagh de rol van Dr. Harrison die een hoop te verbergen heeft en eigenlijk The Flash en zijn STAR team voor liegt over zijn ware bedoelingen. Nu had de website Collider dit interview met hem, waar in hij ook het onderstaande vertelde.

Dr. Harrison Wells clearly has secrets.

Right. The Flash, out of all our characters, might be the easiest character to define. If someone didn't know anything about the character at all, you still get that he's an innocent, optimistic, ordinary guy, and something extraordinary happens to him when he's struck by lightening and can go fast. Whereas the rest of the characters are operating on a whole bunch of different levels than he is. Their agendas are not as clear or as open as Barry Allen's, and that makes for good storytelling.

Are you aware of what his agenda and motivations are?

Sure, yeah. It would be self-serving to talk about the tiny little things that probably don't get noticed, but I know somebody will notice the smaller things that I'm doing to serve the various levels. I have to know what those levels are, to add the minutiae. If you watch carefully, you'd be like, "Oh, okay!" That is just a joy to play. The goals that he's striving for are authentic. I can't really explain it, but it's all married together. There's a certain purpose to it. Harrison is operating on this level where it's not duplicity. He needs Barry, and Barry needs him. That is completely true. He values and cares for Barry for very authentic reasons that we see on screen.
