Battlefield 4 gaat nog nieuwe DLC krijgen

RDJ134 11 december 2014 om 00:47 uur

Battlefield 4 is ondanks een hele slechte start en nog steeds aanwezige bugs een hele lekkere game die ik sinds pas weer helemaal kapot speel. Maar DICE heeft gisteren laten weten via hun website dat er nog meer content aan gaat komen en vraagt de fans om input welke klassieke mappen ze willen spelen. Alleen hoop ik wel dat deze nieuwe DLC onder premium valt, want als we ook nog eens moeten gaan bij betalen als premium lid dan is dit de zoveelste vinger in onze arie. Maar goed, hier is het pers bericht.

It has without a doubt been a thrilling year for Battlefield 4â„¢. We've deployed several expansion packs, launched the Community Test Environment, and done several updates and tweaks to constantly improve the gameplay experience.

What you've given back to us is even more noteworthy. We've seen so much inspiring creativity and competitiveness in the Battlefield community, and we've had tons of fun together with you - in-game on the Battlefield and during the Battlefest seasons.

Final Stand is Not the End

With Battlefield 4 Final Stand released, we hope and believe that you will enjoy it together with the rest of the game for a long time. However, there is one thing we want to assure you: there is more content coming for Battlefield 4.

We will share details on exactly what this new content will be, and when it will arrive, in the near future. We understand that this may lead to even more questions about our plans, but rest assured that we'll get back to you on the future of Battlefield 4 when the time is right.

Give us Your Input on Classic Maps

We're aware of - and humbled by - the many requests of re-creating classic Battlefield maps within the Battlefield 4 universe. Now we have a question for you: if a reimagining of a Battlefield classic map was to happen, which map would that be?

We're really curious about your input on this topic, so head to this poll to share it:
Note that you can vote on several maps from several Battlefield games.

More to Come

As mentioned, more details on the road ahead for Battlefield 4 will be shared going forward. For now, we'd like to thank you for staying awesome, and for joining us for another year of Battlefield 4!
