Louis D'Esposito over Marvel's Agent Carter

RDJ134 15 januari 2015 om 18:01 uur

ABC's serie Marvel's Agent Carter doet het goed op de Amerikaanse TV en bij comic fans. Het kijkt lekker weg en tot in tegenstelling van Gotham zijn de hints naar karakters uit het Marvel universum voor de insiders en niet vol in je gezicht. Nu had Louis D'Esposito een interview over de show, en daar van kan je hier onder een stukje lezen.

Collider: After directing the One-Shot, what was it like to then expand the world of Peggy Carter and direct the pilot for the show?

From the directing point of view, you approach it the exact same way. What was great about directing the pilot was that I had an opportunity to rehearse with the actors. I got to sit with Hayley [Atwell] and go through the script, line by line, and really start exploring what choices to make. And I had the opportunity with Shea Whigham to go through the script, and Enver [Gjokaj]. Not all of them because they weren't all available, but that was fantastic. So, I approached it the same exact way. I had in mind, from the One-Shot, the tone of it, which is why I think we became a television show. They liked the tone.

Did you immediately start getting feedback from the One-Shot and learn right away that people wanted more from this character?

When we made the One-Shot, there was no agenda other than to tell a great story and a fun story, and to highlight Hayley Atwell. But when we finished and started showing it to people, especially people at Disney said, "This has potential for a television show." As you can imagine, I'm so proud to have done that, and now to be here with an eight-part series.
