Zeven redenen waarom The Legend of Chun-Li zuigt

RDJ134 11 september 2010 om 17:43 uur

Wie dacht dat de Street Fighter film uit 1994 slecht was zal eens Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li (2009) moeten kijken, want het kan namelijk nog veel en veel slechter. De film schijnt zo crap te zijn, dat de website Cracked.com zich geroepen voelde om zeven redenen aan te halen waarom dit misschien wel de slechtste game verfilming ooit is. Heb jij hem al gezien??


Game: Millions of players engaged in hours of expert combat

Movie: Comical

Legend: The entire cast and crew were hired at an anti-violence protest for cripples

Street Fighter: The Movie might have had the most poorly choreographed fight scenes since the Star Wars Kid got in front of a camcorder, but Van Damme is at least known for fighting. Of Legend's 96-minute runtime there are maybe five minutes of fisticuffs, and they only count because of the anesthetic effects of the rest of the movie. They spend longer in temples and boardrooms than in combat. If you got a paper cut after watching this you'd expect time to slow down and the Requiem for a Dream theme to start playing because it would be the most dramatic violence you'd seen in hours.

They were especially challenged by how neither of the leads could land a blow on a sleeping sumo wrestler, leading to an incredible number of jump cuts and half of everyone involved being out of frame, under the impression that if at least the camera man was leaping around and cutting people in half with the edge of the frame it'd look like violence. That would be unforgivable in any fighting flick, but where the entire point of the game is "two people visibly hitting each other" we'll have to invent five new gods just to not forgive the filmmakers hard enough.

Short form: If you're a full half-hour into your action movie before the title character hits someone, kill everyone involved including yourself, but spare the Key Grip so that future action filmmakers will learn from your tragedy.
