John Barrowman over zijn rol als Malcome Merlyn in Arrow

RDJ134 20 januari 2015 om 17:41 uur

Als je Arrow kijkt (en ik zie geen reden waarom niet) dan ben je bekend met de villain Malcome Marlyn die gespeelt wordt door John Barrowman. Deze was ook aanwezig bij de TCA winter pers tour, waar hij de website Collider een interview gaf en waar van je hier onder alvast een stukje kan lezen.

Collider: How much fun has it been to play a character who could do good if he wanted to, but is clearly having more fun not?

As a kid, I used to play with Amigo action figures, DC figures and Marvel figures. I'm a fan of comic books. I'm a nerd. I'm a geek. I'm all that stuff. To be playing one of the iconic DC villains is incredible. It's like turning a soda water into a vodka soda. It's adding that kick to it. Malcolm could be good. He wanted to be the hero. I think Malcolm still sees himself as a hero. I don't think he thinks what he's doing is wrong, which is what makes him interesting to the audience. But also, there's a heart down there somewhere. What's interesting is that when Malcolm does reveal things to people, it's to the audience. It's never to other characters, really. So, the audience is in on Malcolm's secret. That's what I think they really like about him. They're getting the secret, where the characters are not.
