Ben McKenzie over zijn rol als Jim Gordon in Gotham *SPOILERS!!*

RDJ134 27 januari 2015 om 02:25 uur

Gotham is een leuke serie, en ook een hele slechte serie die teveel probeert te leunen om verwijzingen naar karakters uit het Batman universum zonder daar ook verder gebruik van te maken. Dit tot in tegenstelling van The Flash en Arrow die wel echte superhelden en villians heeft. In Gotham speelt Ben McKenzie de rol van Jim Gordon en deze gaf een interview aan de website Collider. Daar sprak hij over zijn rol en de toekomstige vijanden en natuurlijk de show.

Collider: When you do a show called Gotham, there's already a certain weight to it, but what have been the biggest surprises for you?

Just all of the resources that we have at our disposal. That's been really lovely. The fact that we actually did an entire episode set in a circus with the Greysons, and we were there, watching a full circus. That's just amazing. It's really incredible. And each week is a new surprise. It's really wonderful to come to work and have each episode be different, in a way. They have similar structure sometimes with the villain, but we can go in any direction we want. If we want to do an episode set in the circus, we can do that. If we want to do one in Arkham Asylum, we'll do that. It's fun. You know how precious that is. That doesn't come around a lot.
