Donal Logue over seizoen 2 van Gotham

RDJ134 9 februari 2015 om 11:16 uur

Dat Gotham een tweede seizoen krijgt is mij een raadsel want deze show heeft in mijn ogen de plank volledig mis geslagen. Het begon erg goed, maar na verloop van tijd werd het saai en steeds minder en leunde op verwijzingen die ook steeds nuttelozer worden. Seizoen komt er aan, en daar over gaf Donal Logue dit interview aan de website Collider.

Collider: When you do a show called Gotham, there's already a certain weight to it, but what have been the biggest surprises for you?

One thing that's interesting is that whenever something starts, like the school year when you were a kid, it feels like such a significantly huge time in your life and how much life has changed. What's surprising is how quickly it's going by. All of a sudden, we're almost done with Season 1 and they're talking about doing Season 2. It's going fast. Harvey Bullock hasn't been as deeply involved in the last couple of months, as I was initially, so it's a bit different. I feel a little bit more on the outside. But, I'm more excited about seeing all these different people doing different stuff on the show. It's hard for me, with my Catholic guilt. I'm like, "Just give me shit to do, man. I'm there, and I'm willing to work hard." We have a lot of cool guests that come on. It's been cool to see The Riddler become darker and funkier. It's great. He's been having to play, I wouldn't say a restrained note, but this weird Edward Nygma note, and now he gets a crack. It's good.
