Vincent D'Onofrio over zijn rol in DareDevil en Jurassic World

RDJ134 15 maart 2015 om 16:47 uur

De naam Vincent D'Onofrio zal je waarschijnlijk weinig zeggen maar als je deze Amerikaanse acteur zijn gezicht ziet is het van oooooh die kerel. Nu is hij binnenkort te zien in de Netflix serie DareDevil en de zomer blockbuster van dit jaar: Jurassic World. Daarom heeft de website Collider nu dit interview met hem gehad en daar van kan je hier onder alvast een stukje lezen.

Collider: Your casting in Daredevil seemed unexpected, but totally perfect. How did you get involved with that show? Was there any sort of casting process that you had to go through, or did they just come to you about the role?

There were discussions. I wasn't sure about it. I knew who Wilson Fisk was, but I only knew what the Marvel movies were like. The thing about Daredevil is that there are no superpowers. We needed to have a discussion, so Jeph Loeb and I talked about it. That first phone call with Jeph Loeb, and then the second one with Jeph and Steven DeKnight, is when I was convinced that it would be okay to do. And then, I read the first couple of scripts. Wait until you see the series. Whether you're into that kind of thing or not, it is definitely a Netflix series. It's Marvel and Netflix coming together with this great new take on things.
