Jason Statham over zijn rol in Fast & Furious 7

RDJ134 2 april 2015 om 14:56 uur

Jason Statham is een leuke Engelse acteur die nu het pad bewandelt van Liam Neeson, Jean Claude van Damme en Steven Seagal. Want hij duikt op in meerdere films per jaar waarvan het grootste gros steeds slechter en slechter wordt. Maar vanaf vandaag is hij te zien in Fast & Furious 7 en daar over had hij dit interview met de website Collider.

What has it been like for you entering this franchise? The fans are very passionate about these characters and these movies, moreso than a lot of other franchises I've watched from the outside. What has it been like for you meeting fans who are just very passionate and wanting to talk to you about it?

: Well, you know what, I have not met many of the Fast fans yet because we've been stuck out here. [Laughs] The movie's not out. You know, since SXSW, I've been in Thailand. I haven't really had any exposure to any fans.
