Natalie Chaidez over 12 Monkeys

RDJ134 4 april 2015 om 14:59 uur

Natalie Chaidez is de showrunner voor het erg coole 12 Monkeys die is gebaseerd op de gelijknamige film uit 1995. Het concept is bijna het zelfde gebleven, iemand wordt terug in de tijd gestuurd om een dodelijk virus te stoppen. Alleen de manier hoe de TV serie hier mee omgaat is heel erg goed doordacht en wordt je als kijker niet alleen steeds verrast, maar ook geconfronteerd met goed doordachte theorieën over tijdreizen. Any way, Natalie Chaidez had een interview met de website Collider en daar van kan je hier onder alvast een stukje lezen.

I think it was really once people started paying attention to The Walking Dead changing showrunners that the idea of a showrunner came to public attention, but I don't think a lot of people really know what a showrunners job is. So take me through what it is you do.

Yeah, so a showrunner is the boss of a TV show. So most showrunners are writers and started out as writers, so you're in charge of everything from every script the entire season creatively, you're in charge of all the hiring, you're in charge of all the cast and crew, the budget, which is a big shock when you become a showrunner. Every decision that's made on the show. Everything from what your set looks like to what you're eating for lunch, all the decisions macro and micro are all the showrunner's decision. It's a huge, more than 24-hour-a-day job.

So, tell me how you became the showrunner for 12 Monkeys. What was the transition like from writer to showrunner?

: I've been a TV writer for 21 years and have worked on all kinds of great shows. I worked on Heroes, I worked on Sarah Connor Chronicles. Many, many, numerous credits. I was writing a pilot for Gale Anne Hurd at SyFy two years ago and in the midst of that development process, after I had written that pilot, which was called Hunters and is now getting picked up to its own series, I was asked to come in and oversee Terry Matalas and Travis Fickett who wrote the pilot. It was my first time showrunning, and it's just been the greatest experience. And a lot of it has to do with my partnership with Terry and Travis.

Because sometimes I'll go off and do my own show and I'll also be the showrunner. In this case, because Terry and Travis had less experience in TV, they wanted someone to come in who had more years under the belt and I was partnered with them. That doesn't always work, but in our case it worked like gangbusters. It was love at first site and we had a great season together. I think that it shows. I think the comradery that we felt and the love for the material and our fondness of each other, I really think it came through.
