Kevin Levine over karakter ontwikkeling

RDJ134 14 april 2015 om 16:31 uur

Kevin Levine is de grote man achter de Bioshock franchise die mij als gamer keer op keer weet te verassen. Nu had hij dit interview met de website GameInformer en daarin sprak hij over zijn Joodse achtergrond en hoe dit invloed heeft op karakter ontwikkeling in zijn video games. Het interview is vier pagina's lang en redelijk zware kost om te lezen, maar het geeft een mooie kijk in de wereld van een game developer.

Ryan's city of Rapture, founded on the principles of Objectivism, isn't a bastion of religion. The philosophy has a selfish bent, which is in stark contrast to the tenets of most religions, especially Judaism and its 613 mitzvot (Hebrew for "good deeds").

"It was less about faith and more about what their Jewishness meant to others," Levine told me in a pre-interview message exchange. "Ryan's Bourgeois family was ruined by the Bolsheviks. Tenenbaum's family was slaughtered by the Nazis. Cohen and Steinman were cultural American Jews, but in that time, others defined them by their Jewishness."

It's from there that our phone interview begins, taking a path from Rapture, to Columbia, and into the future of Levine's work with his new team.
