Animatie short: The Reward: Tales of Alethrion - "The First Hero"

RDJ134 24 april 2015 om 14:14 uur

De makers van de onderstaande animatie short The Reward: Tales of Alethrion - "The First Hero" zijn van plan een hele serie te maken. Maar daar is natuurlijk geld voor nodig en dat proberen ze nu via deze kickstarter binnen te halen. Om mensen zo ver te krijgen, hebben ze nu de onderstaande short online gezet en dat ziet er leuk. Dus pak een bak popcorn en wat te drinken, en enjoy deze erg grappige video.

The Tales of Alethrion proloque "The First Hero" is about Alethrion, whom the land is named after, and a lovely backpacker girl called Amerath. They are the original creators of the map which we see later in The Reward, carried by Vito and Wilhelm. It is the first tale that takes place long before many of the other episodes in the series which we hope to get funded through Kickstarter.

If you would choose to follow this youtube channel we would like to invite you to follow the process of making the epic animated series Tales of Alethrion.

Stay tuned for more adventures!

Mathias Winum and Johan Pedersen are our awesome musicians (Bards) for The Reward: Tales of Alethrion! They make the movies really come to life.
