Vince Gilligan over wat er met Huell is gebeurd

RDJ134 17 mei 2015 om 15:58 uur

Als je net als wij groot fan bent van Breaking Bad en de serie al een paar keer hebt bekeken dan is je vast opgevallen dat Huell in een DEA Safe House was te zien en dat was het. Dus een hoop mensen op onder andere Redit zijn gaan speculeren wat er met hem gebeurd kan zijn, maar Vince Gillian heeft nu antwoord op de beladen vraag gegeven en deze is:

Is Huell still waiting for someone to come back for him?

Yes, sadly he's waiting morosely on that sofa, looking like a lost puppy... [Laughs] No. It's likely that Agent Van Oster keeps in touch with DEA headquarters. So when he learns Gomez and Hank have gone missing, he would in short order tell his superiors what they were up to. Within a matter of hours, really not that many in story time, Huell will be taken back to HQ. They'll question him, find out what he knows - which isn't much - and he'll be let out on the street. Right now, he's doing what Huell does best, whatever that is. He's out and about as a free man.
