Tien hele vette horror film soundtracks

RDJ134 1 oktober 2010 om 16:00 uur

De website Topless Robot heeft een top tien gemaakt van horror films die een hele vette soundtrack hebben. Uiteraard staan de standaard titels als The Omen en Halloween er op, maar onze favoriet is de onderstaande:

5) Dawn of the Dead '04[

Not for the score, which is fine but unremarkable. The soundtrack is what sets this one apart. After Zack Snyder sets the tone for the entire movie with the brilliant, frantic opening sequence, he follows it with a brilliant montage that delivers context and backstory, set to the tones of Johnny Cash's "When the Man Comes Around." That alone is almost enough in itself to secure it a spot on this list. But later choices such as Bobby McFerrin's "Don't Worry, Be Happy," "People Who Died" by Jim Carroll and the two versions of "Down with the Sickness," especially the lounge version, really cement it as a classic. Rock soundtracks are hard to pull off properly in horror, but this one knocked it out of the park.
