Guy Ritchie interview over The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

RDJ134 13 augustus 2015 om 12:34 uur

Volgens de eerste interviews is The Man from U.N.C.L.E. beter dan Bourne en Mission Impossible bij elkaar. Wat natuurlijk een behoorlijke statement is. Guy Ritchie is de man achter deze nieuwe spionnen film en had gisteren dit interview met de website Coming Soon en daar van kan je hier onder alvast een stukje lezen.

CS: It was an interesting decision to keep it in the '60s, because that's of the things that sets it apart from a lot of other spy movies these days. We're trying to modernize things like Bond and trying to incorporate everything that's going on in the world today, which would've missed the purpose of the original show in some ways.

: We feel the sort of Golden Age of the spy genre was really the '60s. The clothes were more interesting, the cars are more interesting. The birth of gadgets happened really in the '60s. You had what have become fundamental requisites such as the Cold War and atomic energy and all of that sort of stuff, which sort of is very conducive to the spy genre. It wasn't just that, it was the general aesthetic of the '60s we found appealing, more appealing than the contemporary one. I would say it felt fresh. It felt like we were doing something that no one else was doing, although we're in the same genre as the spy genre.
